
Frequently Asked Questions

How old is The International School of Belgrade (ISB)? ISB was founded in 1948. For more details about the school’s rich history, please click here.

Which academic program does ISB follow?Our school is the only International Baccalaureate® World School in Belgrade offering the highly regarded Diploma, Middle and Primary Years programs:

  • IB PYP – Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5
  • IB MYP – Grade 6 through Grade 10
  • IB DP – Grades 11 and 12

Is the school accredited and authorised? ISB is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and authorised by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia. For more information on ISB accreditation, click here.

How many students attend ISB and what is the average class size?Currently around 500 students attend ISB, and the average class size is 15. Our Student to Teacher Ratio is 8:1.

Where are your students from? ISB has students from all over the world. We currently have students from 54 different countries attending ISB.

Who are the ISB teachers? ISB has 90+ faculty members, teaching assistants, and specialists representing 19 nationalities with experience ranging from 3 to over 30 years.

Does ISB have extracurricular and after-school activities? Co-curricular activities are organised according to students’ interests every semester. Activities typically include: arts & crafts, martial arts, basketball, soccer, study support, cooking, street dance, ballet, flag football, choir, SAT preparation, yoga, drama, ping-pong, baseball, lacrosse, chess club, science, creative writing, dance, band and individualised music lessons. The school also offers an array of CEESA activities, such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, Knowledge Bowl, Math Counts, Speech & Debate, Choral Festival and Model United Nations (MUN).

When should I submit an application for admission? The International School of Belgrade has an ongoing intake and there are no official deadlines for submitting an application for admission. However, all applications are subject to seat availability. For this reason, it is best to inquire about available seats at a child’s grade level in advance of application.

My child has learning needs. Can we apply? Our specialist ISB Learning Support department is a team devoted to providing the necessary academic support for our ISB students from Pre-K through to Grade 12. If your child has an Individualised Education Plan or a similar document, a copy of the plan should be submitted to the school as part of the application materials. The school will work with parents to personalise the level and type of support to give the student the best access to the curriculum.

My child does not speak English at a high level. Can we apply? Some of our students arrive at ISB with only minimal English skills. During the admission process, we test most English as an Additional Language (EAL) students to assess their proficiency. Based on that data, we tailor our support to meet each student's needs. For older students, we have specific linguistic requirements for our programs to ensure they can fully engage with the curriculum. Our dedicated staff is experienced in working with students of varying language abilities, ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment for our learners.

Do students use technology in the school? At ISB we believe that technology is not a tool to replace traditional ways of learning but rather a way of transforming the classroom into a learning space that can offer greater collaboration and communication between students as well as ways to improve critical analysis of information and creative ways of problem solving. In order to make this vision a reality, ISB recognises that all students need to be digitally literate to become life-long learners. All classes incorporate technology as part of the curriculum and we are continually finding new ways of innovating and adding to our technology resources.

Who is operating the school? ISB is a not-for-profit, non-proprietary school governed by a Board of Trustees, guided by the ISB School Charter.

Do you encourage parent involvement? All parents, faculty and administrative staff are members of the ISB Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA). The PTSA's main aim is to support and build the ISB community through varied events and activities and to connect the different sectors of the school: parents, students and staff to support and grow the school as a whole.

Does ISB offer scholarships? As an IB World School, The International School of Belgrade recognises the importance of diversity in its student population, building strong community ties, and promoting academic excellence. By implementing ISB Scholarship Program, our school provides for two students from the local population to attend our school, free of charge, for their four years of high school.

Where do ISB students go to college/university? One hundred percent of our graduating classes go on to higher education and regularly gain entrance into competitive universities worldwide. Most ISB students apply to English-instruction universities in North America, the UK, and Europe.

Does ISB have excursions? Students in Grades 5-12 take an annual academic/experiential learning trip. Subject areas also may have overnight trips tied to the curriculum to a variety of locations in Serbia and Europe.

Is there a school uniform or dress code? There is no uniform or standard dress to which all students must conform. All students should be clean, neat and appropriately dressed for learning.

Does ISB offer other languages? ISB embraces the IB concept of an international education that promotes intercultural understanding and “the ability to communicate in a variety of modes in more than one language.” The rich development of language and literacy for all learners is an essential element of all three IB programs at ISB.

What are the tuition fees? The annual tuition and other fees are listed here. To find out more about what ISB has to offer or to arrange a tour of the campus, please contact admissions at

How is grade level placement determined? All enrolling students are placed into age-appropriate grade levels. Regardless of the month of enrolment, the student must have reached the required age for their intended entry grade before September 1st of the school calendar year. For more details about the age placement guide and grade equivalents, click here.

Universities that students attend from ISB.

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